The Group
In the mid of 1980s, Vety-care began with a single source Import of veterinary drugs with a single employee doing business in a single market. Thanks to a single-minded determination to provide best veterinary products & services, today we are country leader with the size, scope and expertise that surely corresponds the founder’s most exaggerated expectations. Our founder is no one else but the acting CEO whose leadership and vision continues to inspire our future
1986-Pharma Distribution
Vety Care (Pvt) Ltd. Was founded to improve animal health care and poultry farming facilities through import of quality drugs and farming equipment. This distribution setup now proudly represents the world’s leading veterinary pharma manufactures: Bremer Pharma-Germany & MSD Animal Heath (Intervet).
1987-Layer and Broiler Parent Stock
Quality Poultry Breeders was established in 1987, for rearing of broiler parents stocks. Later QPB was awarded distribution of following broiler and layer parent stocks due to its quality production standard, excellent field services and relationship with in poultry industry. Indian River Int.USA, Peterson Farms USA, Hy-line Int.USA, Avian Farms Inc.USA, Arbor Acres Inc.USA, H&N Int.USA
1990-Broiler Grand Parent Farming
Rearing & Hatching of Poultry Grand Parent in Pakistan is pioneer business of Vety-Care Group. The splendid model farm houses are situated in the plateaus of Potohar, District Attock. This business was initially established with the partnership of Indian River Int. USA, which was then shifted to Aviagen Inc. USA for producing Arbar Acres Broiler Parent Stocks.
1995-Veterinary Pharma Manufacturing
Vety-care Pharmaceuticals established a veterinary drugs manufacturing unit in the Capital City Islamabad in 1995 with state-of-the-art building, hi-tech facilities and R&D work. After securing major share in local market, VCP is now exploring new business dimensions across geographical boundaries.
1997-poultry Feed Manufacturing
Quality Feeds have been engaged in poultry feed manufacturing; the manufacturing plant was established in suburbs of Islamabad Capital Territory. We are producing high quality feeds to cater our in house feed demands for Grand Parent Stock and for our customer s, which rear Parent Stock, Commercial Broiler & Layer Farms.
2004-Human Pharma Manufacturing
Vety-care Group established its 2nd manufacturing unit to produce pharmaceuticals for the cure and better health of human beings, under the CGMP’s Specs & Clauses. Leads pharma is ISO 9001-2008 certified, which ensures the continual improvement of our processes. Pharma Products are being supplied under the name of Leads Pharma, in local market, Govt Hospitals and international market. The Organization has over 600 permanent employees and more than 250 people through contractual arrangements. Vety-care has a proud history of sustained investments in the economy as being the trendsetter and pioneer in one of the largest industries of Pakistan. As a good corporate citizen, the company continues with its policy to serve the community it operates in.